Bnb Terogong

Bnb Terogong is where our shop is. It has been the first shop where the team started to make, most probably, the first almond milk in Jakarta and most likely Indonesia. Back then, there were not many, almost none, healthy food shop here. It was started there to allow us to have direct encounter with people who either have never tasted healthy food prepared in a raw method where all are fresh plant based ingredients such as nuts, fruits and vegetable only, or people who already know eating healthy but were having trouble finding a place where to eat. There, we also started the first Almond Milk Smoothies, deliciously tastes.

It has passed some stages of evolution and has also passed some tough times. Thank God, we were blessed that it has now been there for many years.

The shop is equipped with kitchen and bar where customers can have ready freshly made Almond Milk, Smoothies, then Healthy Shots, Cold Pressed Juices, Salad and now healthier food. Customer can conveniently and comfortably dine in a chic county style settings. Come by whenever you are in the neighborhood. Located close to Pondok Indah, the shop can be accessed from Fatmawati also. We are in a commercial complex where you have enjoy other things also such as grocery shopping, and more.We are happy and proud to be able to provide healthy drinks and food to customers around the area such as to JIS Students and Teachers, tenants of apartment and hotel close by and also delivery to customers around Jakarta